Saturday, March 28, 2009

Chavs have a go at our brave Army Cadets

We've seen it all in haven't we, soldiers being accused of being baby murderers, rapists, returning units being harassed by British citizens for their actions in Iraq and now, 15 year old Army Cadet girls in uniform being attacked by scummy chavs just because they wear the British Army uniform.

Police are now hunting a chavette who tried to headbutt a 15-year-old girl, tugged at her uniform and accused her of killing her uncle. And a man shouted at a group of cadets and threatened to "get" them for wearing their army clothing.

The girl, who is too scared to be named, was walking to the West Bromwich Army Cadets training session at the Territorial Army building in Carters Green on Monday. As she arrived in her uniform, boots and beret she met around half a dozen of her friends to walk into the centre. A woman then approached the group and started to shout abuse. The girl's mother said: "A woman in her 30s grabbed her arm, tried to headbutt her twice and said she had killed her uncle. She tried to rip the uniform off her."

The mother said: "I don't understand why these people are doing this. All she wants to do is something positive in her spare time."

The chav woman and man were both white.  What do you think of the idea of maybe 1 PARA popping down there in their uniform and seeing how the chavs and chavettes react?  I don't suppose they would be quite so brave.

1 comment:

  1. bloody chavs!

    My brother's in the cadets, it's a great way to keep the 'yoof' of today off the streets and to use their time productively.As opposed to their chav-ish peers who think hanging around the local park, graffiti-ing anything that stands still for a moment and generally being a walking pro-abortion advert is a much 'cooler' idea.
