I think we can all agree that the invention of the Satnav has been a bonus for everyone who owns one. However, there is always the idiot factor that no-one can plan for. In the news today, a driver has blamed his sat nav for leaving his car teetering on the edge of a 100 ft cliff after he followed its instructions. Robert Jones (a professional driver by trade) said he trusted his navigational system and continued to follow it when it told him the steep, narrow footpath he was driving on was a road. Luckily there was a wire fence at the top of the cliff or the idiot would have driven right over it.
Mr Jones, from Doncaster, South Yorkshire, now faces court action for driving without due care and attention but luckily, no charges for being a complete idiot.
LOL, that is brilliant, almost as good as the guy in America who tried suing his car company when his car crashed because he thought 'cruise control' meant he no longer needed to actually drive his car. The bloomin idiot must have thought he'd bought the next Knight rider.