38 year old Italian nun Anna Nobili is no ordinary nun, before donning the drab outfit of nunnery and promising God she would never have sex again she was a normal woman. Much more than this she was a lap dancer displaying her wares to all and sundry in the hope that punters would shove money into her g-string.
Now she has seen God and recognised the evil of her ways, she promises that she will never again strip off in front of an audience but she refuses to stop dancing. She is now using her talents in a rather different way - for what she calls "The Holy Dance" in a performance on Tuesday evening at the Holy Cross in Jerusalem Basilica in Rome, in front of senior Catholic clerics including Archbishop Gianfranco Ravasi, head of the Vatican's Cultural Department.
When she turned her back on a life of sleeze, Sister Nobili joined the order of nuns called the Working Lady Nuns of Nazareth House, and it is through them that she tours prisons and hospitals performing her modern Christian dance. She says the Church is very open to what she does and the male prisoners appreciate her dancing. When asked what she wears, Sister Nobili giggles and says 'My cassock, but what I wear under it is a secret unless you put enough money in my pocket for a private dance'.
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